I help decision makers, project managers, and architects build projects faster and better.


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Hello, I am Jolene Lee. I am an architect based in Berlin, specialising in infrastructure management. I help teams streamline their project workflows for greater efficiency

From ArchiCAD BIM setups to server system organisation, I design optimised structures that allow you to focus on what matters the most - creating exceptional architecture.

Free Consultation


Jolene Lee, M.A. Arch
ArchiCAD and Infrastructure Specialist
Mitglied der Architektenkammer Berlin

Jolene Lee, M.A. Arch ArchiCAD and Infrastructure Specialist Mitglied der Architektenkammer Berlin

Past collaborations since 2017

A common risk for architecture offices is file fragmentation creating unnecessary loops in the design process - resulting in project inefficiencies, unhappy employees, waste of time and effort.

Have you encountered any the following scenarios?

Unstructured Workflows

The team has been working OVERHOURS for a DEADLINE. At the 11th hour, the team hurriedly layouts drawings to print. Sheet after sheet, publishing errors detected ❌ Design changes not showing  Missing door  The team barely managed to submit on time.

Still Planning in 2D

The team plans in 2D instead of 3D - obviously because it is “simpler”. Months pass by. During a design review with the stakeholders, FLOOR PLANS DON’T MATCH THE SECTION ❌ At a glance, it is impossible to identify the origin of the mistake.

No templates, no libraries

A new competition with a SHORT TIMELINE arises. The team has exactly in mind how to reuse previous great ideas from past projects. If only one could easily access the beautiful trees and furniture from Project X, that detail from Project Y, ...


Fix My Project Setup Now 🛠️
